Dad got the delivery done at home! Wife was not in a condition to go to the hospital, gave birth to a child with this trick

Dad got the delivery done at home!  Wife was not in a condition to go to the hospital, gave birth to a child with this trick

Raising a child is not the job of children. This requires expertise. Because it cannot be said when someone’s condition will become. But what if the woman is not in such a condition that she can be taken to the hospital? A similar situation happened in front of a person in China. But he adopted a special trick and got the child delivered at home. This dad is being praised a lot in social media.

In China’s Shenzhen province, the wife of a man named Kang suddenly developed labor pain. It was getting late at night. She was not in a position to be taken to the hospital. Kang called the hospital and asked to send a doctor. But the answer came that all the emergency doctors have gone out. Kang’s condition worsened after hearing this. Then a nurse named Deng Manali picked up the phone. She said, don’t be late, I will tell you how to do the delivery. The nurse started telling him step by step on the phone itself.

lay them down comfortably
According to the South China Morning Post, Nurse Deng said, first of all don’t let the wife go to the toilet. Make them lie down in a comfortable place. Put a pillow under the head. Kang was doing this when the child started coming out. Kang said, I could see his head. The nurse said, hold his head slowly but firmly. Also hold her buttocks and legs firmly as her body will be slippery. Be careful that under no circumstances should the child be allowed to fall on the floor.

As soon as he did this, the child started crying
Deng asked as soon as the child came out; Tell me is he crying or not? Kang said, it is not crying at all. Its whole body is looking black. The nurse realized what had happened to the child; He asked Kang to blow air into the child’s mouth and gently press twice on his chest. As soon as he did this, the child started crying. Knowing the child was alive, Deng’s life came to life. He told Kang, check his breath. Listen to the heartbeat on its chest. If possible, record it. Kang recorded the child’s breathing twice. Emergency doctors reached Kang’s house after 14 minutes.

agreed that there was no other option
Kang said, right now both his wife and child are safe and sound. When he was asked how he managed to do this, he said, “I had assumed that there was no other option.” I don’t want to panic under any circumstances. I have to do something before the ambulance and emergency doctors arrive. Hearing the cry of the child, I felt that I had succeeded. Later, he also sent pictures to Nurse Deng, seeing whom she was very proud. This story has been viewed more than 3 lakh times so far. One user wrote, I am already very nervous listening to his conversation. Another wrote, this father can tell his child in future that ‘Father has given birth to you’.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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